WSH Approved Training Providers
WSH Approved Training Providers
This list includes First Aid and Flagperson training providers whose programs have been approved by the WSH Branch as meeting or equivalent to Manitoba requirements.
First Aider training courses are separated by First Aid Provider and the First Aider level which will be accepted in Manitoba.
Flagperson training courses are separated by agencies approved to offer province-wide training, and those approved to provide training with their own organization. The Manitoba Heavy Construction Association (MHCA) has been approved by the Workplace Safety and Health Branch to oversee and approve flagperson training programs of its membership, also found on this list.
First Aid Training
For an agency to obtain recognition by Workplace Safety and Health as an approved first aid training provider, the Chief Occupational Medical Officer must review and approve agency submissions to ensure all standards required for first aid course delivery are met. If standards are not met, it is an agency's decision as to whether to continue with the approval process. Once standards are met, the agency will be placed on the list.
First Aid Training Agencies are required to notify Workplace Safety and Health of any changes to protocols and/or program materials. All revised materials submitted must be accompanied by the rationale for the changes.
To apply for recognition as an approved first aid training provider, send programs in accordance with the training curriculum set out in Canadian Standards Association, CSA Z1210 - First Aid training for the workplace - Curriculum and quality management for training agencies.
Flagperson Training
Prior to being allowed to work as a flagperson, a worker must hold a valid flagperson training certificate, issued by a person or organization that has been approved by the director of the Workplace Safety and Health Branch (WSH), and must demonstrate competency in applying this training at the workplace.
To obtain recognition as an approved flagperson training provider in Manitoba, organizations or persons interested in providing training must complete and submit a completed Flagperson Training Checklist to the director of WSH.
Send completed checklist to:
Executive Director
Workplace Safety and Health
Labour and Regulatory Services
200-401 York Ave
Wpg, MB R3C 0P8
Contact Us: 204-957-SAFE (7233), toll-free 1-855-957-SAFE (7233), select Option 1, Workplace Safety and Health.