Health and Well-being
When we invest in our health and well-being, we can become more resilient and live longer and healthier lives.
Healthy Aging
Many things can influence how we age, including:
- healthy behaviours
- income
- housing
- education
- environment
- social connectedness
When we invest in healthy aging, we can reduce the cost of health care. Older adults can live longer, healthier lives by:
- staying socially connected
- being physically active
- engaging in healthy sexuality
- eating in a healthy way
- reducing the risk of falls
- not smoking
- getting vaccinated
When older people are connected to others, everyone benefits. Seniors benefit from social connections in several ways:
- overall sense of well-being
- better able to cope with stress and life changes
- healthy aging
How to connect with others:
- volunteer
- take classes or workshops
- embrace lifelong learning opportunities
- find a job that fits your skills and ability
- connect with younger people
Resources for Healthy Aging
There are many resources to help you learn about how to make healthy choices as you age.
- Community Supports for Seniors: learn about seniors centres, transportation options and more
- Active Aging in Manitoba (AAIM): provides services to seniors and promote healthy lifestyles for older adults.
- Volunteer Manitoba: find volunteer opportunities in your area, for your ability and interest
Healthy Eating
Good nutrition is important at any age. Eating well helps you feel your best each day. Healthy eating will help to prevent or manage heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, and some cancers. Consider some of the topics below?
- Is weight gain a concern? Are you losing weight?
- How is your appetite? Are you eating alone?
- Need to bone up on calcium?
- Troubles swallowing, biting, or chewing?
- How to get the best nutrition for your money
- Tips to make grocery shopping easier
- Healthy recipes
Explore these topics and more at: A guide to healthy eating for older adults and Healthy Eating for Seniors
Learn more about food security offerings like Meals on Wheels.
Back to TopAlzheimer's and Dementia
Alzheimer's disease is a progressive, degenerative brain disease. Several changes occur in the brain of people with Alzheimer's:
- the disease affects all areas of the brain
- certain functions or abilities are lost
- the loss of functions changes behaviours and creates symptoms
- once a function or ability is lost it cannot be relearned
While brain cells damaged by Alzheimer's disease cannot be restored, there are treatments and strategies that can help both the person with the disease and caregiver.
For more information on Alzheimer's and related Dementias' supports, strategies and treatments please visit:
- We Can Help - Alzheimer Society of Manitoba
- Manitoba's Framework for Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias
More than 300,000 Canadians are living with disabilities or impairments because of stroke. In Manitoba, approximately seven people a day will suffer a stroke. Stroke has a significant and lasting impact on individuals, their families, and the health care system.
The Manitoba Health Stroke Strategy has information and resources about:
- how you can reduce your risk for stroke
- how you can identify the warning signs and symptoms of stroke, and
- what Manitoba is doing to improve stroke care for all Manitobans.
Healthy Sexuality
Sexual health and intimacy are important at any age. While most seniors want to remain sexually active, the natural aging process may put a strain on one's ability to fulfill those desires.
Supportive and safe relationships along with good self-esteem and respect continue to be important factors.
To learn more visit: Healthy Sexuality
Back to TopSmoking Cessation
As life expectancy continues to grow, healthy, active aging becomes a priority. Quitting smoking, even after the age of 65, has positive effects on your health and the quality of your life as you age.
To learn more visit: Smoking, Vaping Control & Cessation
Back to TopMental Health & Addiction
Sometimes, despite our best efforts, we find ourselves in circumstances out of our control. If you or someone you know has a mental health issue or addictions problem, help is available.
Mental health relates to your emotional and psychological well-being. Mental Health is much more than the absence of a mental illness. Having good mental health means having a positive sense of well-being. It means you have a belief in your own and others' dignity and worth.
Recovering your health and wellness is a journey. It builds on individual, family, cultural, and community strengths. There are a variety of services, supports and treatments available.
Find help and resources for mental health and addictions supports at: Mental Health and Community Wellness
For more resources:
- Shared Health - Mental Health & Wellness Resource Finder
- Canadian Mental Health Association - Service Navigation Hub
Active Living
Physical activity increases energy levels, helps us manage stress and strengthens the heart and lungs. The result is a better quality of life for people of all ages.
Many factors influence the aging process including healthy behaviours, income, housing, education, environment, and social connectedness.
Older adults live longer and lead healthier lives when they:
- stay socially connected
- increase their physical activity levels
- eat in a healthy way
- take steps to reduce their risks for falls
- stop smoking
For more resources on active living:
- Department of Mental Health and Community Wellness: Active Living
- Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines - how often and how long to exercise
- Active Aging in Manitoba - learn about programs, volunteer opportunities & Manitoba 55+ Games
- Participaction - move more today for a healthier tomorrow
- Manitoba Aboriginal Sport & Recreation Council - programs and events
- Recreation Manitoba - programming resources for older adults
Social Connectedness
Spending time with others is important for seniors' mental and emotional health. It also impacts their physical well-being. It is important for seniors and their family members to encourage more social interaction.
There are several risk factors that can lead to isolation:
- language or cultural barrier
- transportation may be costly or difficult to use to join groups or programs
- physical health limit a person's ability to leave their home
- mental or memory issues might make it very difficult to communicate
Find activities and opportunity for social connection:
- Senior centres often provide a variety of programs and keep a list of activities updated to help seniors find activities that interest them.
- Many art galleries, museums and parks offer special discounted memberships for seniors.
- Active Aging in Manitoba offers a variety of activities.
For more recreational ideas contact 211 Manitoba:
- Visit the website: 211 Manitoba
- Call the free and confidential phoneline: 1-855-275-1197 (open 24 hours)
- TTY: 1-855-405-7446
- Email:
Health Card
Manitoba Health Card
Registration cards issued by the Insured Benefits Branch confirms your eligibility for provincial health care. It is valid as long as you live in Manitoba. Always carry it with you. Be prepared to show it whenever you or a family member requires health services.
Manitoba Health issues a Registration Card to all residents.

It includes:
- A 9-digit lifetime identification number for each family member, this is your Personal Health Identification Number or PHIN
- A 6-digit family, or single person, registration number
- Name and address of Manitoba resident
- Family member's given name and alternate (if applicable), sex
- Birthdate
- Effective date of coverage
New for 2023
Manitoba Health is changing the Family Registration Number from a six-digit number (e.g.12345) to an alphanumeric format (e.g. A12345, 1A2345). This change only affects NEW health numbers. All current numbers will stay the same and Manitoba Health cards will continue to look the same.
When entering this new number in any system, the alpha characters must be in capital letters. Contact information will be included on your new Manitoba Health Card. It will also include information on how to be an organ and tissue donor -- learn more at
Find A Family Doctor
If you are looking for a home clinic in Manitoba, Family Doctor Finder can help you find one.
A home clinic is a patient-centred family practice that a patient/client identifies as the place that serves as a home base or central hub for timely care and coordination of all your health and medical needs over time.
For more information and to find a Family Doctor, please visit Family Doctor Finder.
Back to TopHealth Benefits
As people age, caring for your health is more important than ever. The Manitoba government provides special health benefits to support seniors.
To learn more about these benefits explore the links below.
- lowers the cost of your medications
- qualify based on your family income and the amount you pay for prescription drugs
- Learn more about Pharmacare benefits
Seniors Eyeglass Program
- for those aged 65 and over
- lowers the cost of eyeglass purchases
- Learn more about Seniors Eyeglass Program benefits
Seniors Hearing Aid Program
- For those age 65 and over with household incomes below $80,000
- Lower the cost of hearing aid purchases
- Learn more about the Seniors Hearing Aid Program
Additional Programs
- Telecommunications Program - for those who are deaf or speech impaired
- Breast Prosthesis Program - for women who have had mastectomies
- Home Hemodialysis Utility Reimbursement Program - for those with end stage renal disease
- Manitoba Insulin Pump Program - for Manitoba residents diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes
- Prosthetic and Orthotic Program - for Manitoba residents who require prosthetic or orthotic services and devices renal disease
- Orthopaedic Shoe Program - for Manitoba resident who require orthopedic shoes as prescribed by a medical practitioners.
Seasonal Flu Vaccine
Manitoba Health encourages all Manitobans to get their seasonal influenza (flu) vaccine. Available free of charge every fall, the vaccine protects you, and those around you, from the flu and its complications. Everyone who is 65 years of age and older should receive the high dose flu vaccine because it provides a stronger immune response than the standard dose. The flu vaccine is recommended especially for people with chronic health conditions and those living in personal care homes or long-term care facilities.
Did you know?
Pharmacists can administer COVID and flu vaccines.
COVID-19 Vaccine
Health Canada recommends COVID-19 vaccines for all Manitobans aged 6 months and older. The vaccines are safe and effective at preventing severe disease and are especially important for those at greater risk of severe symptoms. Older Manitobans and those with certain health conditions are at greater risk. Immunity against COVID decreases over time, so it is important to get a booster dose of the vaccine. Even if you have had a COVID infection, that immunity will also wane over time. That's why it's important to get a booster dose -- to recharge your immunity.
For more information on your eligibility visit:
Vaccine Availability
Free flu and COVID-19 vaccines are offered at a variety of sites:
- medical clinics (ask your health care provider)
- public health offices
- pharmacies (pharmacists can administer flu vaccines for people 2 years and older)
- vaccine clinics
- nursing stations
You can use the interactive Vaccine Finder Map to locate a vaccine nearest to you.
For more information on immunization schedule please visit: Recommended Immunization Schedule for Adults
For Immunization schedule for Individuals NOT previously immunized please visit: Adults 18 years of age and older, NOT previously immunized
Pneumonia Vaccine
Manitobans aged 65 and older should also ensure they have received a pneumonia (pneumococcal polysaccharide or Pneu-P-23) vaccine since turning 65. It can be administered at the same time as the flu vaccine. Both the flu and the pneumonia vaccine are offered at no charge for people aged 65 and older. Some people are eligible to also receive the pneumococcal conjugate (Pneu-C-13) vaccine free-of-charge. To arrange for your vaccination, speak with your health care provider.
For more information visit: Manitoba's Immunization Program
Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis Vaccines
A tetanus booster (Td vaccine) is recommended every 10 years.
Pertussis (whooping cough) can also cause severe disease in adults. Hospitalization from pertussis is more common after the age of 65, especially in those with asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). If you have not previously received a pertussis vaccine as an adult, it is recommended to get the tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis (Tdap) vaccine for your next tetanus booster.
For more information, visit Routine Immunization Schedules
- Manitoba Health Immunization: learn about other recommended vaccines
- Manitoba Health Vaccine Safety: learn about the safety of vaccines and how vaccines protect people from diseases
- Manitoba Health Epidemiology: get reports on levels of COVID-19 and influenza circulating in the province
- Manitoba COVID-19: learn about eligibility, mRNA, proof of vaccination
- Immunization of adults: Canadian Immunization Guide: get general information about immunizations for all adults from the Government of Canada
Contact Us
If you have any questions about seasonal flu or immunization:
- Speak with a health care provider
- Call Health Links - Info Santé:
- In Winnipeg 204-788-8200
- Toll-free 1-888-315-9257
Foot Care
Foot care is an important component of aging in place. As we age, it may become difficult for us to take care of our feet, which may lead to common foot ailments thus decreasing our ability to be active.
In Manitoba, foot care is provided by certified Foot Care Nurses. To hire a foot care nurse near you please visit: Manitoba Association of Foot Care Nurses - Find a Foot Care Nurse
In the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority, foot care services are offered free to people who may need financial assistance. For more information visit: NorWest Co-op Community Health - Foot Care
Back to TopDemographics of Seniors
There are 229,050 Manitobans aged 65 or older living in the province. This is 17 per cent of the total population. Of that group, 29,255 are aged 85 or older.
There are many factors that contribute to our health, well-being, happiness and success. The Manitoba government has created profiles to better understand older people. The profiles include several aspects, such as:
- employment
- education
- income
- ethnicity
- location
- language
Some themes and highlights of the report include:
- Health and well-being - 51.2 per cent of Manitobans over the age of 65 self-rated their health as "excellent or very good"
- Home and community - about 13 per cent of Manitobans over age 55 are visible minorities
- Finances, employment and retirement - the average income for those aged 65+ in 2021 was $45,880
- Education and literacy - those age 65+ use the internet for research (85 per cent), to check the weather (76 per cent), wayfinding and directions (67 per cent), news (67 per cent), banking (58 per cent)
The Demographic Profile of Older Manitobans is available for download.
Manitoba Government Inquiry
Call: 204-945-3744
Toll-free: 1-866-MANITOBA (1-866-626-4862)