Streaming from the Archives

Watch digitized films and videos from the Archives of Manitoba's holdings, including the Hudson's Bay Company Archives. These records illustrate a range of events, activities and iconic sites throughout Manitoba and beyond.

Archival records, descriptions and listings can contain outdated, offensive and/or harmful language and content that reflects the time in which they were created. Read our statement on language and content for information about work that we are doing to improve our descriptions.

This feature was launched on Manitoba Day 2020, with subsequent uploads in: July 2020, December 2020, March 2021, December 2021, and January 2024.

“Riding the Waves” (1970)

Archives of Manitoba, A 0237 Films promoting tourism and industry, GR8382, "Riding the Waves,” [1970], V251

This film promotes Manitoba waterways for tourism and recreation. It includes footage of people enjoying activities in and around Manitoba’s lakes and rivers including boating, swimming, diving, waterskiing, scuba diving as well as picnicking and photography. The film features the Red and Assiniboine rivers, Netley Creek, Lake Winnipeg, Killarney Lake, Pelican Lake, Clear Lake, the Whiteshell, Falcon Lake, and Clearwater Lake. This film was produced by Western Films for the Manitoba Department of Tourism and Recreation in 1970.


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