Suggesting and Evaluating New Products

New Products and Services
MDA continually reviews its existing product lines and works with you, our clients, to identify product needs. New products are added regularly to our inventory. Check out the monthly edition of MDA Connected.
Suggesting New Products
Since 2005, MDA has added over 200 new products as a result of client suggestions. To make your suggestion, simply complete and forward the New Product Suggestion form (pdf) to MDA.
Evaluating Existing MDA Products
MDA stands by its products. If, for any reason, any merchandise supplied by MDA does not meet or perform to your expectations, we want to know. Complete the Product Evaluation form (pdf) and fax it to us.
MDA will evaluate the product based on your comments and ensure that any product quality issues are identified and resolved.
New Medical Products and Equipment
MDA carries a wide variety of medical products and equipment, with the majoprity of these being frequently ordered items. On occasion, MDA is asked to carry a new item in the catalogue or to bring in an item for a specific client.
To accommodate requests for items of a lesser dollar value, MDA makes its decision on anticipated sales volumes and usage. If it is determined that the item will be frequently purchased, MDA will consider adding the item to its medical catalogue.
For equipment or items of a greater dollar value, MDA follows a three-quote process.
Note: Some clients may be required to complete a requisition form or obtain approval from their specific program areas, prior to soliciting MDA for a new product.
MDA does not accept requests for such products and services as home or vehicle modifications, wheelchairs, permanent wheelchair ramps or lifts.