Terrestrial Invasive Species
Manitoba’s rich and varied terrestrial landscape includes five different ecozones: Prairie, Boreal Plain, Boreal Shield, Hudson Plain, Taiga Shield and Southern Arctic. Maintaining the ecological health and integrity of these zones is important for the well-being of Manitoba’s environment, economy, culture and people.
Terrestrial invasive species pose threats to that well-being.

Invasive Swine
Invasive Swine
Interbreeding of wild boar and domestic pigs has resulted in mixed swine genetics. As a result, any free-roaming swine that are not contained within an enclosure are considered to be invasive.
Invasive swine are present in Manitoba. These animals cause extensive damage to natural ecosystems and agricultural resources, and pose a disease transmission risk to livestock and native wildlife.
If you see a free-roaming (unfenced) pig or other evidence of invasive swine presence, report the location and details to the province. Reports can be submitted to Manitoba's Squeal on Pigs initiative by phone at 833-SPOT PIG (833-776-8744) or online at www.squealonpigsmb.org.
Additional information about invasive swine and what you can do to help is available at: